Rating Details

The rating system determines how Council will raise money from properties within the municipality. It does not influence the total amount of money to be raised, only the share contributed by each property.

Kerbside Waste Collection

To help our environment, a range of kerbside waste collection services are offered. These kerbside waste services are compulsory for residential properties within the urban boundary. The bin collection schedule was changed in October 2023 (Learn more).

Kerbside waste includes three bin sizes:

80-litre, 120-litre, or 240-litre for a red lid waste collection service collected fortnightly.

Upsizing your red lid bin will incur an additional administration fee of $63.85.

120-litre, 240-litre or 360-litre yellow lid recyclables bin, also collected fortnightly, alternating with the red-lid bin.

Upsizing your yellow lid bin will not incur an administration fee.

80-litre or 240-litre green lid organic waste bin is collected weekly.

Upsizing your green lid bin from 80L to 240L will not incur an administration fee.

120-litre purple lid glass recyclables bin, collected every four weeks. There are no other sizes available for this bin.

Waste collection bins remain the property of the Council and must not be taken from the property when relocating. If your bin is stolen or requires repair, please contact the Council on (03) 5832 9700.

Residential charges

The charge for a kerbside waste collection service applies equally to all urban residential properties where the service is rendered and/or available, irrespective of whether or not the service is used.

Calculate your 2024-2025 Waste Collection Costs
Use our online calculator to enter your household’s bin configuration and view the estimate of your annual cost and compare with the previous year.

Residential Charges 2023/24 Cost 2024/25 Cost Variance ($) Variance (%)
80L General Waste  $64/year* $100/year* $36 54%
120L General Waste  $139/year* $154/year* $15 11%
240L General Waste  $337/year* $289/year* (-$48) (-14%)
120L, 240L  or 360L Recyclables  $121/year* $65/year* (-$56) (-46%)
80L or 240L Green Organic (FOGO) $113/year* $143/year* $30 27%
120L Glass  $0/year* $32/year* $32 100%

* These prices do not include GST, which is applicable to all waste service charges levied on non-residential or non-farm properties.

Commercial properties

The Council waste service is not compulsory for commercial properties, who may elect to use a private company to collect their waste. Alternatively, commercial properties can make application to the Council to use the kerbside waste services for normal domestic refuse such as paper, cardboard and dry garbage. The Application for Kerbside Waste Service at a Commercial Premises Form outlines the conditions of service, and must be signed by the landlord.

Revenue and Rating Plan

A Revenue and Rating Plan is a requirement under the Local Government Act 2020. Council engaged with the community to develop the 2021-2025 Revenue and Rating Plan

It is important to note that the focus of the Revenue and Rating Plan is different to that of the Annual Budget. The rating structure determines how Council will raise money from properties within the municipality; it does not influence the total amount of money to be raised, only the share of revenue contributed by each property.

For more information, download the Council's Revenue and Rating Plan via the link below.

How Are Rates Calculated?

You can use this Microsoft Excel spreadsheet to get an estimate of your rates.


Council raises general rates through the application of differential rates, i.e. different rates in the dollar for different property classifications. General rates are calculated by multiplying the Capital Improved Value (CIV) of a property by its applicable rate in the dollar. Adding the fixed charges (e.g. the Municipal Charge) and user-pays charges (e.g. kerbside waste charges) where appropriate, will give you your total rates and charges for the year (excluding arrears and/or interest).

As of 1 July 2013, the Victorian Government has replaced the existing insurance-based fire services levy with a property-based levy, and by law this additional charge must be displayed on your Council rate notice - please refer to our Fire Services Property Levy page for further information regarding this State Government levy.

For a residential property with a Capital Improved Value of $250,000 the calculation of the general rate would be as follows:

Capital Improved Value (CIV) $450,000
Rate-in-the-Dollar (RID) 0.00339905
General rate payable (CIV x RID) $1,529.55*

* Excludes any additional charges (eg. municipal charge, kerbside waste service charges), levies, arrears or interest.

The following table summarises the differential rates levied for the 2024/2025 rating year. For more details relating to each of the differential rates, refer to the Statutory Disclosures of the Council’s 2024/2025 Budget

Differential Rate How applied 2024/2025
General Cents in $ of CIV 0.00339905
Farm Land Cents in $ of CIV 0.00305915
Commercial/Industrial Cents in $ of CIV 0.00696805
Cultural and Recreational Land Cents in $ of CIV 0.00248131

If the use of your property has changed, or if you disagree with your property’s differential rate classification as shown on your rate notice, you may apply to the Council for rating reclassification by completing an Application for Rating Reclassification. The completed application must be returned to Council within 30 days of the issuing of your annual rates notice.

Farm Land Rate

If you believe your property should be classified as ‘Farm Land' as defined in the Valuation of Land Act 1960, you may apply to the Council by completing and returning an Application for Farm Rate. The completed application must be returned to Council within 30 days of the issuing of your annual rates notice.

Cultural and Recreational Land Rate

Under the provisions of the Cultural and Recreational Lands Act 1963, the Council levies an amount in lieu of rates payable in respect of recreational lands that have the following characteristics:

Rateable lands developed primarily for regional use as evidenced by paid administrative support and/or commercial business dealings in the operation or management of same.

The amount in lieu of rates payable in respect of each rateable land to which the Cultural and Recreational Land rate applies is determined by multiplying the Capital Improved Value of that rateable land by 0.00248131.

Interest on Rates

Interest will be charged on all balances unpaid after the due dates. If not paid by the respective due dates, then the manner in which interest is charged is on and from the date on which each missed instalment was due, until the account is paid in full.

The penalty interest rate fixed by the Attorney-General is currently 10 per cent per annum.

Municipal Charge / Single Farm Enterprise Exemption

In addition to general rates, the Council levies a municipal charge, a fixed charge which all rateable properties incur regardless of value or property type, to recover some of Council's governance and administration costs. The municipal charge is $195.00.

Where a single farm enterprise is conducted on several farm properties, only one Municipal Charge and one fixed charge component of the Fire Services Property Levy is payable for that farm enterprise. There must be no more than one property containing a principal place of residence within the single farm enterprise.

To apply for the single farm enterprise exemption, please complete and return the Single Farm Enterprise Exemption Application Form.

Fire Service Property Levy & Municipal Charge

PDF, 517 KB

Pensioner Concessions

A pensioner concession for eligible concession card holders will provide a 50% discount off council rates on your principal place of residence, up to the maximum amount of $259.50, as set by the Victorian Government for 2024/2025. Eligible card holders will also receive a $50 concession off the Fire Services Property Levy for their principal place of residence.

Pensioners who received a rate rebate last year, and who are still eligible, will find the current rebates have been calculated and deducted automatically from their rate account. If this is the case, no further application is required.

Eligible cardholders (Pensioner Concession Card or Gold TPI or War Widow Cards) who live in their own home and did not receive a rebate last year, or who do not have the concessions shown on this year's rates notice, must make application on the required form by 30 June 2025. To apply for the Pensioner Concession on your rates and charges, please complete and return the Pensioner Concession Application Form.

The concessions do not apply to Health Care Card holders.

For further information on concessions, visit the Department of Families, Fairness & Housing website.

Trust for Nature - Conservation Covenant Rate Rebate

A conservation covenant is a voluntary agreement between Trust for Nature and the landowners. It is placed on the title of the land to ensure that the natural bushland is permanently protected.

The Council offers a rate rebate to landowners who register a Trust for Nature conservation covenant on their property. The rebate acknowledges the long-term commitment of these landowners to conserving the biodiversity on their land.

Landowners will receive a rebate of up to $20 per hectare of land placed under covenant. The total rebate will depend on the rated value of the covenanted area, with a minimum payment of $100 and a maximum payment of $1000.

For further information on conservation covenants, visit the Trust for Nature website.

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