Understanding Your Rate Notice

It is important to read your rates notice carefully. The front and back of your rates notice contain important information regarding payment due dates, rating classification, rating valuations, the process for valuation objections, and the penalties for late- or non-payment.

Please contact Council if you require any assistance in understanding your rate notice.

Your Rate Notice

Your rate notice is comprised of the following:

Date of Notice:

The date on which the information for your rate notice was extracted from the Council's database.

Customer Reference Number:

This is your unique Customer Reference Number. Please quote this number when making enquiries about your rates account.

Name and Mailing Address:

The name and mailing address of the ratepayer/s. Have you changed your details? If so, you must notify Council of your new details in writing by completing and returning a Change of Address/Name Form.

Property Details:

This is the address, description and land use classification of your property.


This is the Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) of your property. For an explanation of what the AVPCC displayed on your rate notice means, you may download a list of the current AVPCCs.

Instalment 1:

The first instalment amount is due for payment by 30 September 2024, unless you are paying by ten instalments

Rating valuations:

The general rate is calculated from the Capital Improved Value which is the total market value of your property, including the site value plus buildings and any other improvements on the land. You can object to a valuation within two months of the date on your rates notice. Refer to the Valuations page for further information relating to your rating valuations and valuation objections.

Council Rates and Charges:

Council rates and charges may include:

  • General rate
  • Kerbside waste service charges
  • Municipal charge
  • Pensioner Concession
  • Arrears, interest, legal fees and payments

This section also shows the rate-in-the-dollar for your property, and the unit charges for waste services, as set in the budget. Different rate-in-the-dollar apply to different types of property.

State Government Levies:

This section shows how the State Government's Fire Services Property Levy has been calculated for your property. Eligible pensioners and veterans can receive a $50 concession. Council does not keep this money, it is passed on to the Victorian Government.


Details for BPAY payments.


Details for Australia Post Billpay payments.

Payment Difficulties:

If you think you will have trouble paying on time, please contact us as soon as possible and we'll help you work out an alternate arrangement.