Please note: this is an archived news article release

This article was published on Thursday, 9 May, 2024. The information contained within may be out of date or inaccurate. News articles and media releases older than 60 days are archived for future reference.

Greater Shepparton 2024/2025 Draft Budget open for community feedback

Greater Shepparton City Council released the 2024/2025 Draft Budget for community exhibition and feedback at the May Additional Council Meeting on Tuesday.

In Summary

  • Greater Shepparton 2024/2025 Draft Budget now open for community feedback
  • Feedback encouraged on proposed allocations for services and infrastructure
  • Rate cap of 2.75% proposed, aligned with State Government's Fair Go Rates System
  • Various projects outlined including capital spend on asset renewal and community facilities

The Draft Budget will be available on Council’s website from Friday 10 May until Friday 31 May 2024, and community members have the opportunity to provide their feedback on the document during this time.

Every year Council prepares a Draft Budget which outlines how resources are prioritised to deliver important services and infrastructure to the community for the next financial year. This year, Council took early steps to engage with the community, seeking their insight and priorities for the 2024/2025 financial year during consultation in late 2023. The feedback from this consultation has helped inform the development of the 2024/2025 Draft Budget which is now available for the community’s review.

Council provides over 120 services to the community, from children and family services, parks and open space, urban planning, community facilities, leisure facilities and so much more. The Draft Budget details the funding that is required to deliver these services and to maintain community infrastructure for years to come.

Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali, said feedback on the Draft Budget document is encouraged and welcomed.

“The Draft Budget has been developed following community consultation undertaken in late 2023 and the public submissions we heard early this year. We thank the community for providing this feedback early on in the development and now we want to know what the community think about the proposed document,” he said.

“The Draft Budget prioritises the needs of the community while taking into account the many external pressures which Council is not immune from. I am extremely proud of the way Council have navigated these financial difficulties over the past few years.

“The current group of Councillors have faced many challenges during our term, however we have strived to deliver a robust and financially viable budget for the community. We believe we have achieved a strong balance between budget constraints and community desires, to ensure we are continuing to position the region as a thriving place to live, work, visit and invest.”

The 2024/2025 Draft Budget prioritises capital spend on the renewal and upgrade of the region’s existing assets. A total of $38.4million of the draft capital budget will be spent on renewal and upgrade projects, with 29 per cent of this capital program to be funded by external grants and contributions including Roads to Recovery, Commonwealth Regional Sports Infrastructure, and Local Roads and Community Infrastructure.  

Some key projects included in the 2024/2025 Draft Budget are:

  • GV Link Stage 1 project: Aims to provide future serviced industrial land to support expansion of existing industries and facilitate new investment in the Goulburn Valley.
  • Community projects: Includes the Cycling Precinct Velodrome Lighting Upgrade, Victoria Skate Park Lighting, a new Tatura Skate Park, Wanganui Oval Lighting and Irrigation Upgrade, and new Playground Shade Sails.
  • Drainage projects: Includes the upgrade of the Margaret Street Pump Station in Tatura, Drummond Road Drainage Upgrade and Lenne Street Mooroopna Stage 1.
  • Recreational facilities: Includes works at the Shepparton BMX facility including Clubrooms, Track Enhancements and Start Hill Enhancements.
  • Asset renewals: Renewal of assets informed by Council’s Asset Management Plans.
  • Decarbonisation initiatives: To facilitate Council’s 2030 Net Zero Emissions target.
  • Developer Contribution Plans: Delivery of projects relating to various Developer Contribution Plans as part of the region’s continued growth.

The 2024/2025 Draft Budget proposes a rate cap of 2.75 per cent, in line with the State Government’s Fair Go Rates System. It also outlines the new kerbside service charges, with residents to see changes to these costs reflected in their first rates notice for the financial year.

In addition to the 2024/2025 Draft Budget, Council prepared a Conversation Report which provides an overview of the topics and key themes that emerged during the consultation period and how they have been incorporated into the 2024/2025 Draft Budget. Council is also seeking feedback on the proposed removal of the Derelict Land differential from the Revenue and Rating Plan 2021-2025.

With the document now ready for community feedback and input, Cr Sali encouraged locals to speak up and have their say.

“This is a great opportunity for community members to have their say on the budget and how it is being allocated. Council has continued to receive valuable feedback from our community each year regarding budget allocations and we know that this year will be no exception,” he said.

“We value what our community has to say and I encourage everyone to take this time to provide their feedback. We want to hear from you.”

Community feedback can be made from tomorrow, Friday 10 May, until 5pm on Thursday 31 May 2024: 

  • In writing to Locked Bag 1000, Shepparton, 3631. All feedback must include contact details of the submitter to allow Council to respond.
  • Online via Council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website, at
  • Or, by contacting Council at or at 90 Welsford Street, Shepparton to discuss other options

Following this consultation, the budget will be endorsed at a Council Meeting in June 2024.

For further information, contact Council on (03) 5832 9700.


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