In Summary
- Council is developing a new Revenue and Rating Plan to guide how rates and other revenue sources are managed over the next four years.
- Community members are encouraged to provide input on how rate revenue is distributed and how fees and charges are set.
- A survey is available on the Shaping Greater Shepparton website, along with FAQs to help residents understand the plan.
- Feedback closes at midnight on Friday 28 March 2025, with the draft plan to be presented in April and the final plan in June 2025.
A Revenue and Rating Plan is developed every four years, to determine the most appropriate and affordable revenue and rating approach for the municipality. The services and infrastructure which Council provides to its community are essential to the development, growth, sustainability and future of the region, and rates provide a significant source of funding to enable this continued growth within the municipality.
The Revenue and Rating Plan outlines how rates will be distributed amongst ratepayers; includes details in relation to payment options, rebates, interest and financial hardship; and addresses other sources of revenue including user fees and charges, grants and contributions.
“Rates are a tax which fund important community services and infrastructure. Rates are calculated based on the value of your property relative to others in the municipality,” Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali said.
“The Revenue and Rating Plan is an important document for Council. We want to hear from the community to understand their thoughts on how rate revenue can be distributed in the fairest and most equitable way across properties within the municipality, and how fees and charges can be determined.”
A survey has been established on Council’s Shaping Greater Shepp website for community members to provide their feedback. The survey page also includes frequently asked questions for residents to better understand the Revenue and Rating Plan.
“This is the community’s chance to provide feedback to help shape the draft plan before it is developed. Now is the time for ratepayers to have their say on how rates and charges are determined,” Cr Sali said.
“We want to hear from as many people as possible. The more community contributions we receive, the more informed Council decisions can be. We look forward to gathering this feedback and using it to inform the development of the draft plan.”
Feedback is open from now until midnight on Friday 28 March 2025. Following this, a draft Revenue and Rating Plan will be presented at the April Council Meeting. Further community consultation will then be undertaken ahead of the final plan being presented for adoption at the June 2025 Council Meeting.
To find out more or to speak to someone from Council, phone 5832 9700 or email